
What smart phones can be used with 360specs?


360specs is compatible with most smart phones and tablets out today. The adjustable foundation will be available in different sizes so it can be used with virtually any gadget. At the same time, the best results will be with gadgets with larger screen size - around 4.5-7 inches and high resolution screens. Right now, it works great with iPhones, variety of Android based smart phones and variety 7-inch size tablets.


What apps can you use with 360specs?


360specs works great with gaming applications! You'll get the fullest experience with any 3D games, such as first person shooters, and others that utilize the devices orientation sensors. Game apps that could be controlled by an external gamepad are supported, and will work great as well. Users will get a richer experience looking at pictures, and watching movies, as well as 3D movies!


Do I need to change anything on my device to use it with 360specs?


There's no adjustments that need to be made to your phone or tablet to be used with 360specs other than sliding it in and out of the case. 360specs simply expands possible usability of the gadgets, specifically when you need a wider view angle, or for using immersive virtual reality applications.